After popping topside for a breather, Andrew's owls found us and told him that the construction crews had been digging where they shouldn't. Some of the others thought we should split up, but thankfully we didn't; that would've been awful. Awful enough that we were going back in. I just don't know.
We went into the creepy construction site, sneaked through the creepy, shadowy tunnels, climbed down a damp, creepy old elevator shaft, and sneaked through even creepier tunnels until Cindy came up with a plan to call Ives out. She tromped forward shouting fire and brimstone at the darkness when suddenly the air turned a freezing cold that sliced through our coats, down to the soul, it almost felt, and Cindy screamed as a great hulking monster stood over her, her blood dripping from its claws I think.
I shouted at it to get away from her and started playing a song I hoped might disorient it enough that it might forget about finishing Cindy off. The others opened fire and tore the monster, Ives, apart with a molten storm of lead but a group of its minions kinda like the horrible ones we had killed earlier ran forward and beat me up. I jumped behind Hal's team while the others took them out; I still don't know what I'm doing with these guys, but I'm so grateful I'm at least not here alone.
Cindy was in bad shape, but Andrew was able to get to her in time to call for help. Claire knows some first aid (I wonder what lead her to learn that? I should ask her some time, since that sounds like a story) and managed to staunch her wounds. It's hard to believe she was really going to die. She's not that much older than me, and I mean, obviously people our age die but not... often? Not often that I know of it, anyway. Yeesh.
After that, we got out of there, climbed back out of the tunnels (which were filling with water by this point, a lovely way to make an exit), and collapsed back at the car. I felt like crap, black and blue all over, so I took a very uncomfortable nap in the back seat of the car while the others called for backup.

The Director told us that Ives was a Wendigo and we had to drink his boiled heart to kill him dead. Andrew elaborated: Ives had been trying to find a gate into Jotunheim, whatever that is.
I wanted to be helpful, so I tried that new thing I can do where I play a song and let answers come to me. The song told me that there were two more Wendigo in Whittier, and there wasn't any way to kill them dead except drinking their heart.
So, we drank Ives' heart. That's such a... surreal thing to say. What's more surreal was what happened next: at first I felt cold, freezing cold, and then a strange sort of warmth. I look... different now. Better. More beautiful, I guess is the technical term. It's like what happened to me after I met my mother, but moreso. I don't know how I feel about that yet. I can still recognize myself when I look in a mirror, but... I don't know. I'm not as me as I used to be. I wonder if I'm going to keep changing like this.
Oh, and then the mountain exploded. But I'll get to that tomorrow.
*[Second session August 3rd, 2011]
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